1980年代、1990年代、2000年代を通して活躍を続けるアメリカのロックシンガー、エリック・マーティン。いくつかのバンド、ソロ・アーティストとして活動した後、1989年にBilly Sheehanらと共に結成したハードロックバンドMR.BIGでデビュー。MR.BIGではフロントマンを務め、多彩なソングライティングで多くの楽曲を手掛ける。
1991年リリースの2ndアルバム「Lean Into It」に収録された“To Be With You”がシングル全米1位を記録し、全世界で大ヒット。
Eric Martin is an American rock singer and musician who was active throughout the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, both as a solo artist and as a member of various bands.
Together with bassist Billy Sheehan, he founded MR. BIG and He earned his most prominent success as the frontman for the hard rock band.
"To Be with You" from their second album "Lean Into It" was released in 1991 and became a worldwide hit, reaching #1 in the U.S.
In July 2023, MR. BIG had Japan Tour achieve enormous success.
Eric Martin has had many successful records and tours around the world for 35 years.