B’zと並行して多彩なソロ作品のリリースを行う中、1999年に歴史あるギターメーカー・ギブソンから世界で5人目、日本人として初のシグネチャー・アーティストに選出され、2011年にはラリー・カールトンとの共作アルバム「TAKE YOUR PICK」でグラミー賞の『最優秀ポップ・インストゥルメンタル・アルバム』を受賞する。
Tak Matsumoto began his professional career as a session musician and in 1988, formed B’z, as Japanese rock duo, debuting in September of the same year.
As a world acclaimed six-string virtuoso, Tak joined legendary greats, to become the fifth guitarist in the world, and first Japanese to have his own Gibson signature model in 1999.
Tak joined forces with jazz guitarist, Larry Carlton and released the album, Take Your Pick and after a successful tour of Asia and Japan, Take Your Pick won a GRAMMY Award for Best Pop Instrumental Album at the 53rd GRAMMY Awards in 2011.
Over the years since its debut, the band has been No. 1 in Japan in both name and reality, and continues to captivate listeners with its outstanding guitar playing and unique tone that plays fluid melodies.